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Discover Salamanca in 5 days
Located in the community of Castilla y León, talking about culture is talking about Salamanca. Declared World Heritage by UNESCO, walking the streets of the historic center means reliving centuries of history, art and knowledge through wonderful monuments like the University, one of the oldest in Europe
1.Tormes Bridge.
2.Orchard of Calixto and Melibea
Direction: C/ Archdeacon 20, 37008, Salamanca (Castile and Leon)
Telephone: 923 21 83 42
3.Salamanca cave
4.The swimming pool
Direction: Main Square, 3, 37624 The swimming pool, Salamanca

En este primer día de ruta, comenzaremos la mañana desayunando en el centro histórico. Seguiremos paseando por el Tormes Roman Bridge (1). Then we will discover the Orchard of Calixto and Melibea (2) and the Cave of Salamanca (3).
Besides, we can enjoy the walk enjoying the cultural heritage next to the bird populations and riverbanks adjoining the Tormes bridge.

Para el primer día de visita en Salamanca, we can visit places like The swimming pool (4), calendar(5) o Ledesma (6) or walk along the trails to experience the emotion of nature.
Es interesante realizar por igual una de las tres escapadas del producto turístico “Salamanca emociona”, tres excursiones con las que el visitante podrá descubrir los orígenes de los antepasados de la ciudad
1.Plaza Mayor of Salamanca
2.University of Salamanca
Visiting hours: Monday to Saturday from 10 a 20h. On Sundays it closes at 2:00 p.m.
Telephone: 923 29 44 00
3.Old library
4.Salamanca Sky
5.Museo de Arte Nouveau Art Deco
Direction: C / Gibraltar, 14, 37008, Salamanca
Telephone: 923 121 425
6.House of the Arts.
Direction: Aldehuela Avenue 27, 37003, Salamanca
Telephone: 923 184 916
7.Calle Van Dyck

To start entering the city of Salamanca, We can start by walking through the Main Square (1) and observe its most prominent elements such as the medallions. Next, get closer to one of the oldest universities in Europe such as the University of Salamanca (2), it is essential to understand its magnitude, there is the old library (3), the cloisters or the Salamanca Sky (4).
At lunchtime, stopping at bars or restaurants with traditional food and Castilian dishes is the best option for our first day of the route.

After having lunch in some of the busiest restaurants in Salamanca, we have the option to visit the Museum of Art Nouveau Art Deco (5), in a modernist palace; O well, enter the center of contemporary art: the House of the Arts (6).
To finish the first stage of the route, we will go to tapas bars in the area of Van Dyck (7) to later have a drink or a cocktail in the bars of the historic center
1.Saint Benedict Church.
Direction: San Benito Square, 37002, Salamanca
2.Monterey Palace
Direction: Plaza Monterrey, 2, 37002, Salamanca
3.La Purisima Church
Direction: Augustinian Square, 37002 Salamanca
Schedule: Monday to Sunday from 11.00 at 2:00 p.m. and from 17.00 at 20.00h
Telephone: 610914307
4.Hacienda Zorita
Direction: SA-300, km 10, 37115 Valverdon, Salamanca
Telephone: 923129400

Gathering strength over breakfast in the city's cafeterias and confectioneries is vital for this second day of the route. Posteriorly, we will walk down Compañía Street to visit the Saint Benedict Church (1), the Monterey Palace (2), Property of the Casa de Alba Foundation, and the Church of La Purisima (3).
For lunch, we will visit some of the restaurants that the historic center of Salamanca offers us. as an after plan, there are several options to make a visit to a wine tasting in the Hacienda Zorita (4), a ranch of fighting bulls and even a boat trip on the Duero River.

At nightfall, stroll at night in Salamanca to enjoy its illuminated streets and buildings and the atmosphere in the bars in the different areas of the city, even in the historic center. Even, for the most daring, you can take a guided night tour in which to discover the legends and stories of the city's monuments.
1.Catedral de Salamanca
Direction: Plaza Juan XXIII 37008 Salamanca (España)
Schedule: Monday to Wednesday from 10.30 at 5:00 p.m.. Jueves a sábados de 10.30 a 19.30h y domingos de 10.30 at 6:00 p.m.
Telephone: 923 21 74 76
2.Mudejar Route
3.Vialia Shopping Center
Direction: Station Promenade, 37003, Salamanca
Schedule: Monday to Saturday from 10.00 a 21.30h y domingos de 12.00 at 20.00h
Telephone:923 282 935

En esta etapa de la ruta, después de reponer fuerzas con un desayuno, vamos a dedicar el día a visitar la Catedral de Salamanca (1) con más de nueve siglos de historia.
El siguiente destino será visitar las iglesias de la ruta del Mudéjar (2) para conocer el patrimonio tan expectante de la ciudad de Salamanca.

The Ruta del mudéjar en Salamanca passes through the great plains and wide horizons that characterize the eastern lands of Salamanca. Mudejar is a mestizo art, synthesis. It arises in the hands of Muslims who lived in Christian territories, in a time of war.
We can observe in its journey: sixteen churches, representative of the fusion of Christian art and Muslim aesthetics, with brick and wood as identifying elements

Para finalizar el cuarto día y descansar después de disfrutar de la maravillosa Ruta del Mudéjar, tomarnos algo en el Vialia Shopping Center (3) es una buena opción para incluso ultimar las compras de recuerdos de la ciudad de Salamanca.
1.Central Market of Salamanca
Direction: Pl. Mercado, S/N BAJO37001 Salamanca
Schedule: monday to friday from 8.00 at 2:00 p.m. and from 16.00 a 19:00h. Sábado de 8.00 at 14.00h
Telephone: 923213000
2.The market
Direction: C/ Benedicto XVI 22, 37008, Salamanca
Schedule: monday to friday from 10.15 a 14.15h
Telephone: 923 294 692
3.Tienda de Zara
Direction: C/Toro, 28, 37002, Salamanca
Telephone: 923 272 215
4.Centro Comercial El Tormes
Direction: Avenida de Salamanca s/n
Schedule: monday to thursday from 10.00 at 10:00 p.m. and Friday, sábados y domingos de 10.00 at 1:00 a.m.
Telephone: 923 20 18 04

Siendo el último día de nuestra ruta de cinco días, tomaremos la mañana libre para aquellos que quieran revivir por su cuenta las actividades realizadas anteriormente.
Después de la hora de comer, visitaremos el Central Market of Salamanca (1), construido a principios del siglo pasado por Joaquín Vargas

También nos detendremos a visitar The market (2), una tienda de recuerdos pegada a la plaza de la Catedral.
Después, iremos dirección hacia la famosa tienda de Zara (3), considerado lugar de bien de interés por estar instalado en un convento.
Para acabar la mañana de visitas de interior, acudiremos al Centro Comercial El Tormes (4) para poder realizar algunas compras y disfrutar tranquilamente del entretenimiento y el ocio que nos ofrecen en este lugar.

Adentrada la noche en Salamanca y despedirnos de esta hermosa ciudad, podemos adentrarnos en sus calles nocturnas para disfrutar del ambiente salmantino.
También disfrutar de sus establecimientos ubicados en el centro histórico en el que combinar buenos platos gastronómicos tradicionales y relajarnos tomando un cóctel en algunos de sus pubs.